ISL Industrial Ltd – New heights in productivity

Accredo unlocks growth potential of tool and equipment importer.

The right business management system, together with excellent software support, has seen Auckland-based company ISL Industrial not only survive in a competitive market, but expand and thrive.

Since adopting the Accredo accounting and business software system through Brunton, ISL has removed roadblocks to growth. It has successfully introduced new business processes, made a strategic acquisition and developed an e-commerce website that is helping more and more of its key buyers find crucial product information and undertake online ordering.

ISL owner and managing director Colin Hodges was introduced to Accredo while acquiring a smaller, but complementary, importer distributor.
“During the due diligence on that business we found that the software system it was using – Accredo – was very flexible. Exporting data was easy and it was able to provide better reporting than our existing software”, says Colin.

“The flexible nature of the software and Brunton’s expertise has enabled us to automate key processes, reduce time and cost, and meet each new challenge as it comes along.”

Colin Hodges, Director, ISL Industrial Ltd